About Us
Bitcoin Central is a bitcoin ATM Machine operator located in British Columbia, Canada.
Bitcoin Central is a BC based, locally owned and operated company. In 2018 we launched our first ATM in Nelson, BC. We currently operate more than 20 Bitcoin ATMs across British Columbia. We pride ourselves on fast, friendly personal customer service.
Contact us today to speak directly with the founder and CEO.
Organizations we Support
We donate to the following organizations - more info or details can be provided as need be:

Neighbours United - Farms to Friends
Neighbours United leads successful campaigns and programs. From the first complete deep engagement canvassing program on climate anywhere in the world, to helping over 100,000 people in 13 communities say yes to 100% renewable energy, to delivering over 3500 bags of locally grown food to people in-need, to defending nature from corporate luxury resort development — we are powered by over 450 members and 20,000 supporters.
Stripe Climate

Donate Directly to the government of Ukraine by visiting any Bitcoin Central ATM. Press the 'Help Ukraine' button at any Bitcoin Central ATM terminal, and insert cash. An equivalent amount of Bitcoin will be sent directly to the official Ukrainian government Bitcoin address. You do not need to scan a wallet in order to donate. No commission is taken on donations.
Have Questions?
Contact Us Today.
If you have questions, get in touch. The owner of Bitcoin Central answers every phone call, email and text as soon as possible.